Click HERE to sign up for this fun and free virtual program! Travel Light – Virtual Presentation6 PM, Tuesday, September 22 Active/Adventure travel, group travel, tips and more…from Travel Light Author Laura R. Holmes! The COVID crisis has dramatically changed our approach to travel, so we’ll discuss the trend to vacation locally or regionally, updates from the airline industry and more.Laura will discuss...Read More
Click HERE to sign up for this fun and free virtual program! Drawing Mythological Creatures 2 PM, Saturday, September 19 Sharpen those pencils, dust off your erasers, gather some scrap paper, and log into this special Zoom program with illustrator Corinne Roberts! In this hour-long lesson, we’ll learn how to draw different kinds of mythological creatures. Registration with a valid email address is...Read More
The Music of New Orleans with the Boogie Woogie Kid! 6 PM, Tuesday, August 4 Online Facebook LIVE event on HPL’s Facebook page Enjoy the YouTube Sensation of 4 million views! Matthew Ball, aka The Boogie Woogie Kid, will perform a family-friendly program of New Orleans Boogie-Blues-Swing and Song favorites from the 20s 30s and 40s. With piano and song hits like Ain’t...Read More
Calling all kids and teens! Are you feeling crafty this summer? HPL has different crafts for you to enjoy making at home! Take and Make Craft for Kids! Fun with Pipe Cleaners 3:00 PM, Thursday, July 16 Click HERE to fill out the form and register for your free, craft kit(s)! Follow along online with Miss Lydia and put together a fun craft...Read More