Butterflies are an important part of our Little Read Dreamers by Yuyi Morales. Create a beautiful mosaic butterfly to take home and hang in your window! Ages 6-12. Free!Read More
Use all different kinds of paper, pictures, stickers, and more to make a journal you can use to explore your life and write down your memories and thoughts. Our Middle Read is a memoir, Mexikid, by Pedro Martin. We will explore making a journal and what it means to record your own life in words...Read More
In celebration of our Middle Read, the graphic novel Mexikid, we are making marigolds and Nichos. Both of these take and makes can be made at home and brought back to place on our Ofrenda that we will be creating at the end of October. You can also bring them back on November 1 during...Read More
It’s time to go back to school! Make your own palm-sized stress-reliever that is especially great for kids who suffer from separation anxiety at the start of the school year. Plus, the apple design is on-theme and totally adorable. Do you like having something in your hands to keep them busy? Grab our slider snake...Read More
Celebrate National Lighthouse day with a super cute craft that will help you shine your light all over Muskegon. Want to celebrate even more? Make your own shimmery, shinery, glittery, glorious JINGLE STICK! Use it as an instrument, use it as a wand, use it to delight or perhaps annoy your family members! Youth all...Read More
Get knotty with other crafters who like to knit, crochet, macrame, sew, felt, embroider… bring your projects (or learn something new) and let’s hang out together. A small supply of yarn, macrame cord, and embroidery floss will be provided with limited instruction. This drop-in, no strings attached fiber arts group will meet the third Thursday...Read More
Get knotty with other crafters who like to knit, crochet, macrame, sew, felt, embroider… bring your projects (or learn something new) and let’s hang out together. A small supply of yarn, macrame cord, and embroidery floss will be provided with limited instruction. This drop-in, no strings attached fiber arts group will meet the third Thursday...Read More
Get knotty with other crafters who like to knit, crochet, macrame, sew, felt, embroider… bring your projects (or learn something new) and let’s hang out together. A small supply of yarn, macrame cord, and embroidery floss will be provided with limited instruction. This drop-in, no strings attached fiber arts group will meet the third Thursday...Read More
Slither into summer with our super cool popsicle stick snakes. These wooden reptilians are as much fun to play with as they are to make! Our other take and make has a practical application. What happens when you put together some copper tape, a popsicle stick, a battery, a binder clip, and an LED light? Find...Read More
That’s right, we’ll be pulling out all the stops for an hour of crafting, talking like a pirate, fun and hijinks! This is a drop in program and all the fun will be available for the entire hour.Read More