**PLEASE NOTE** We will NOT be having a Story Time this morning, Friday, January 12. Instead, the Story Time we were going to enjoy today, we will now be enjoying that Story Time next week on Friday, January 19 at 10:30am. Thank you for your understanding! Join us for a special series of diverse story...Read More
We’re getting into gear with our new set of Story Times this week by learning about mindfulness and emotions. For January 5, wear comfy cozy clothes that will be good for stretches and basic kiddo yoga. Join us for a special series of diverse story times made possible with funds awarded by the Michigan Department...Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
With all of the light traditions in December (Hanukkah, the Festival of Light, Kwanzaa with its Kinara, Christmas’ Advent Wreath, and Winter Solstice, the birth of the sun) why not craft our own light to guide us into the new year!? Pick up your small jelly jar to decorate and enjoy. We’re also offering a...Read More
Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person story time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. Free. Please check our Facebook page for any cancellations.Read More
Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person story time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. Free. Please check our Facebook page for any cancellations.Read More