Muskegon South Pierhead Light and Hackley Public Library are excited to announce Story Time at The Light! The events will be held at the base of The Muskegon South Pierhead Light on Mondays at 3:00PM (weather permitting). Free. Librarians from Youth Services of Hackley Public Library will read stories, lead songs and games appropriate for...Read More
During this special Story Time, we’ll have guests from the Muskegon Department of Public Works! We’ll get to see some of the equipment they use during winter time, plus we’ll get to enjoy stories, songs, and movement activities! Free.Read More
Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person story time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. Free. Please check our Facebook page for any cancellations.Read More
Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person story time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. Free. Please check our Facebook page for any cancellations.Read More
Join us for stories, songs, and movement activities! Intended for ages 0-5, our in-person story time is designed to teach early literacy skills to parents and caregivers while children enjoy a fun, interactive atmosphere. Free. Please check our Facebook page for any cancellations.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
This weekly drop-in play group connects young families in a space where children and their caregivers are invited to play, talk, learn, and grow together. Free. Ages 0-4.Read More
Pony Bead Pokeball You’ve found a Pokemon but don’t have a pokeball?? Run, don’t walk, to Youth Services and pick up your very own pony bead pokeball kit to take home and make! “All Together Now”Multi-Stage Art (part 2) Pick up the second stage of our summer-long “All Together Now” multi-process art. Free. Available while...Read More